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  • Writer's pictureKate

To you perfectionists out there:

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

I used to read only novels. Fiction was (is) my thing. I avoided the self-help section of bookstores as if I'd find a dead body in the aisle. Mine. But now I've grown to accept myself. And I've seen some great stuff there lately. One recent gem of a non-fiction book: is Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist. Doesn't that sound lovely? The cover shows the author with her worn-out Converse-clad feet crossed and propped up against a dock with peaceful waters beyond. After devouring each chapter of this book, I felt a little freer. When I finished reading, I wanted to hold a class and teach others about the truths I'd just learned, about how I no longer felt driven to make lists constantly, worried my life would cave in if I forgot something. No longer am I listening to those inner voices of perfectionism, trying to please, even if it's myself, trying to prove that I'm smart or good or something like that. Shauna helped me relax, be present with my kids, grandkids, and the people around me and whatever comes my way each day. Goals are great as long as we don't plow over people in our quest to achieve them or miss the fun along with way.

So I'm looking forward to more family dinners, flower planting with my grandkids, long conversations and wine with friends, and long quiet times with God.

How about you? How can you live more present versus perfect?

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